1. Statment, tags ?
2. jika statmentnya +, maka tagsnya - ?
jika statmentnya -, maka tagsnya + ?
3. tag => auxillary + pronoun
Daftar aux:
1. To be
untuk present = is, am, are
untuk past = was, were
2. Modal
untuk present : can, will, must, may, should + V 1
untuk past : could, would, might, should + V 1
3. Do, does - > present tense
Did - > past tense
4. Have, has + V 3 = Present prefect
Had + V 3 = Past prefect
Example :
Keterangan: statment , tag ?1. Sarah is a nurse, isn't she ?
karena stamentnya positive maka tagnya negative
pronoun : adalah kata ganti, di sini yang diganti adalah subjeknya
karena subjeknya sarah, yang biasanya adalah perempuan. Maka pronounnya she
tag : karena statmentnya menggunakan present tense, maka auxnya antara is, am, atau are
karena pronoun (kata ganti subjectnya) she, maka tag nya mengikuti pronoun, yaitu is
2. They weren't there, were they ?
( + ) ( - )
3. Irma and I will study hard, won't we?
( + ) ( - )
4. I am not teacher, am I ?
( - ) ( + )
5. I am a student, amn't I ? tagnya bisa diganti aren't I ?
( + ) ( - )
Negative Maker : No, never, rarely, seldom, scarrely, hardly.
6. I will never study hard, will I ?
( - ) ( + )
7. Irwan goes to Jakarta, doesn't he ?
( + ) ( - )
8. Mother slept soundly, didn't she ?
( + ) ( - )
9. I have a handphone, don't I ?
( + ) ( - )
10. I have eaten, haven't I ?
( + ) ( - )
11. Budi has a handphone, doesn't he ?
( + ) ( - )
12. Sunday is a holiday, isn't it ?
( + ) ( - )
13. Don't swim in the sea, will you ?
( - ) ( + )
untuk kalimat larangan tagnya menggunakan WILL YOU ?
1. Pada kalimat majemuk setara (Tag nya di klausa terakhir)
- I am a teacher and you are student, aren't you ?
- She kicks the ball then he cathes it, doesn't he ?
- He wants to buy that book, but he doesn't have money, does he ?
2. Pada kalimat majemuk bertingkat (Tag nya di induk kalimat)
- She thinks you are smart, doesn't she ?
- You will buy a handphone if father gives you money, won't you ?
- When I came she was studying English, wasn't she ?
- The man who came here yesterday, is sleeping there now, isn't he ?
Jika induk kalimat di Kalimat majemuk bertingkat subjeknya - > I, maka tagnya memakai acuan anak kalimat
I think you are smart, aren't you ?